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Mangaluru: Rs 1700 crore to come, Lobo briefs about Smart City plans

Mangaluru, Sep 24: Mangaluru South MLA J R Lobo thanked both the state and central government for choosing Mangaluru for the smart city project. Addressing media persons here at district Congress office on Saturday September 24, Lobo said, “Mangaluru being selected...

Mangaluru: ‘A day out in Mangaluru’ investors’ meet to be held in Bengaluru-Lobo

Mangaluru, Aug 26: "'A day out in Mangaluru', investors’ meet will be organized in Bengaluru," announced Mangaluru south MLA, J R Lobo in his address to media persons. Addressing media persons at a press meet held here at district Congress office on Friday August 26,...

Bantwal: MLA J R Lobo conducts study of crops with farmers in Vittal

Bantwal, Aug 2: "I will discuss in the Vidhana Sabha, the difficulties faced by areca and rubber growers in the coastal villages and bring to the notice of the government," said Mangaluru South MLA J R Lobo. He made the statement on Tuesday August 2, after he visited...